Change Log
---------------- Version 4.1.1 -----------------
- Built against latest version of Android
---------------- Version 4.0.0 -----------------
- New Features Implemented
- #19: Nav bar UI changes
- #21: Add Loved Tracks
- #17: do not send plusone error to crashlytics
- #20: Crashlytics issues May 2015
New Features Implemented
- #4 Radio Scrobbling now back
---------------- Version 3.1.2 -----------------
---------------- Version 3.1.1 -----------------
New Features ImplementedFixes---------------- Version 3.1.0 -----------------
New Features ImplementedFixes
Version 3.0.2 23/12/2014 ----------------
Fixes#89 - lollipop api fix
Version 3.0.1 : 20/11/2014 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #88 -0 Improved tas
- #87: Remove Google plus for the time being
- #84: Google plus one and user null pointers
- #83: Google play services permission error
Version 3.0.0 : 14/11/2014 ----------
New Features ImplementedFixes
- #87: Remove Google plus for the time being
- #84: Google plus one and user null pointers
- #83: Google play services permission error
Version 2.1.0 : 18/03/2014 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #73: Add an option to mark a track as loved
- #72: Create a menu which opens when the user clicks on a recent track.
- #25: Share now listening to
- #71: Add link to the artists page when clicking on the recent track
- #75: Share Tracks
- #79: Fixed Google plus one integration
- #78: Use adds from Google play services
- #80: Nav bar is being hidden
Version 2.0.7 : 11/09/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
#61: Update Pull to Refresh to the latest version
#63: Disable the Radio Scrobbling feature.
- #59: Null pointer displaying results
- #60: Null pointer destroying service
- #62: Handle Friends Call Exception
Version 2.0.6 : 07/08/2013 ----------
- #56: Null pointer trying to populate lists
- #57: Unable to reach lastfm errors
- #58: Showing toast on UI thread
Version 2.0.5 : 18/07/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #54: Rebuild with Sherlock 4.3.1
- #46: update to use universal image loader
- #43: Non-fatal Exception de.umass.lastfm.CallException
- #45: Sometimes a null pointer is thrown when trying to compare songs
- #44: Null pointer trying to access radio when there is no session
- #47: Class cast exception getting recently played
- #48: Connection problem logging into LastFM
- #49: Connection problem trying to get friends last played.
- #50: Call Exception getting Top Artists
- #51: Call Exception getting Artist details.
- #52: Json syntax exception trying to get bbc radio data
- #53: Handle null pointers when logging
- #55: Starting new activity from textView.onClick()
Version 2.0.4 : 25/06/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #42 - Crashalytics
Version 2.0.3 : 17/06/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #41 - Track the station being scrobbled.
- #39 - Null pointer getting last track from lastfm
- #40 - Null pointer loading default station path
Version 2.0.2 : 08/06/2013 ----------
- #37 - Bug with loading progress bar on honeycomb devices
- #38 - Plus one fixes
Version 2.0.1 : 07/06/2013 ----------
- #34 - Null Pointer when logging in.
- #35 - Error Authenticating Scrobbler
- #36 - Stop Reloading home screen every time.
Version 2.0.0 : 04/06/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #31 - Radio Scrobbling
- #32 - Google Plus one button
- #30 - Crash when artist has no image.
- Fixed Theme
- Updated deprecated Tracker methods.
- Support for smaller devices
Version 1.1.4 : 26/04/2013 ----------
- #27 - Cache reload error on top artists
- #28 - Cache reload error on friends
- #29 - Cache reload error on top tracks
Version 1.1.3 : 19/04/2013 ----------
- #22 - Error loading user with no previous track
- #23 - Loading recently played
- #14 - comparison method violates the contract.
- #15 - App Restart
Version 1.1.2 : 08/04/2013 ----------
New Features Implemented
- #21 No longer requires lastfm password
- Highlighted now playing
---------------- Version 1.1.1 -----------------
New Features Implemented
- #19 - Report App update to Google Analytics
- #13 - Null pointer loading friends last played track
New Features Implemented
- #9 - Artist Activity
- #18 - Affiliate Links added (currently disabled)
New Features Implemented
- #17 Added suggest a feature menu option
- #16 Improve the about us page
- #10 Selectable periods
- #12 Exception when there is no internet
---------------- Version 1.0.1 -----------------
New Features Implemented
- #5 Added user info bar.
- #6 Sort friends by last played
- #4 Fixed bottom Nav bar
- #7 Added About us page
- #11 Settings option for the number of results
- #2 - Null pointer loading friends listening status
New Features Implemented
- Initial Release